Edgewood Tahoe Golf Course 8th hole
One of the biggest challenges that many business owners have when it comes to marketing a golf course is ultimately geography. When someone is already on your property, geography is actually your biggest asset - they can see, feel and experience your incredible space up-close-and-personal. But when they're sitting at home viewing your website, a few pictures from the ground just isn't going to do it. How do you really show off what you have to offer in any type of meaningful way?
The answer is simple: golf course aerial photography and videography is an impossibly comprehensive, cost effective marketing solution that will present your golf course in a brand new light.

The Benefits of Golf Course Aerials
When marketing your golf course, you don't just want to show people what you have to offer - you want to show them why your course offers such a strikingly different experience from any other golf course they may be thinking about. You want to play to your strengths and show off what makes you unique, grabbing a person's attention in a way that they'll never be able to look away from.
This is the benefit of golf course aerial photography and videography in action - it takes people out of their home and thrusts them right onto the course, even as they sit behind a desk at a computer. Using a series of advanced, state-of-the-art remote helicopters, golf course aerials can perfectly capture what makes your property so special. These helicopters can cover the entire grounds, beautifully showing off each hole in stunning detail and allowing you to paint a vivid picture of not just the layout of your golf course, but of the terrain.
With golf course aerial photography and videography, viewers won't just see your course from the ground. They'll experience a trust bird's eye view in every sense of the term, allowing them to put themselves in the position of a ball as it sours majestically through the air over the property you've worked so hard to build and maintain.
The best part of all is that all of these images will be captured in absolutely unbelievable high definition, with colors that are so accurate and life-like that people will feel like they're really there - even if they aren't there at all.
Creating an Emotional Response
People won't just be able to SEE what it's like to play a round of golf on your course - they'll be able to FEEL it. They'll be able to LIVE it. Most importantly, they'll be able to understand exactly what you can offer that nobody else can match.
An old saying tells us that "you can only make one first impression, so you'd better make it a good one." In terms of marketing your golf course, aerial photography and videography is one of the single best ways to guarantee that your first impression is one of the most positive of any golf aficionado's life.
If you'd like to find out more information about golf course aerial photography and videography services, or if you'd like to learn more about what an exciting and truly one-of-a-kind marketing opportunity this type of service really is, please don't delay - contact VideoQuest Productions today to schedule your shoot!!